Birthday Story Archives

A unique, personalized, thoughtful birthday present for anyone turning any age. This newspaper-style gift is great for friends and loved ones alike, as you are putting them in the headlines and highlighting what makes them special on their special day.
July 29, 2023

Terrific Woman: Michelle is loved by her family and friends, and there is no questioning why

They say a lot of women take after their mothers, but not nearly as many take after their grandmothers. Then again, not a lot of women […]
July 28, 2023

You Are Loved: Kathy’s family is definitely glad to have her in their lives

No matter what stage in life you are in, you will always need your mom. At least, this is how Daniel Brooker feels about his mom, […]
June 6, 2023

Outstanding Parents: There aren’t many couples out there who are as loving and dedicated as Ron and Cheryl

Ron and Cheryl Wright complement one another and balance each other out as best as any couple you will ever meet.  This started way back when, […]
June 1, 2023

‘Hearts & Smarts’: When it comes to Debra Payne, her career and personal journeys are quite something

Debra Payne has lived quite the life. So much so that she is writing an autobiography. After graduating early, Deb enlisted in the Air Force, working […]
May 30, 2023

Most Beautiful Woman Still Getting Carded at 40

A few years ago, John Penn was introduced to a gorgeous woman through some mutual friends. And it did not take long for him to fall […]
May 26, 2023

Waiting For A Lifetime of Love: Jo and Mark finally had their son, and it is something that they have wanted for so long

When Mark first met his wife, JoAnne Clemitson-Daws, he knew there was something about her that was just special. From her dedication to her tenacity to […]
May 23, 2023

‘You Make Me Happy’: Grace is not only Josh’s soulmate, but his best friend and the person he cannot live without

Grace Ingram is Josh’s best friend and his soulmate. She means everything to him, as she is always there for him and she always provides for […]
May 7, 2023

Special Sister: It’s easy to see why Erin’s siblings and family speak so highly of her

Erin MacLeod is a boss of a waitress who is an even better family member to her loved ones. She is beloved by her parents, siblings […]
May 1, 2023

‘We Love Her. Always.’: Heidi is certainly loved and appreciated by her husband and kids, and rightfully so

Heidi Oertel is turning 40, and it has been 40 years full of her being awesome. She loves hard, takes care of others and she means […]