A unique, personalized, thoughtful business gift for entrepreneurs and bosses alike. This newspaper-style gift is a great way to highlight how your business came about and what has made it so successful, and it is a great way to show your appreciation to your customers as well.
A leader is someone who leads, and Merriam-Webster defines leading as “[directing] on a course or in a direction.” Essentially, leadership is all about giving people […]
The Paul P. Haas Lifetime Achievement Award is a leadership and success award, and LeadingAge PA has named Susan McCrary the recipient of this award in […]
Sandra Durbin is a very accomplished military veteran. If you look at her post-military career alone, you will notice how she paved the way for many […]
“A vision for the future that embraces innovation and harnesses the talent, resources, and opportunities of Appalachia to transform our region, nation, and the world.” This […]
If you’re in central Pennsylvania, you’ve probably heard the name Rock Lititz. A true regional gem, it’s the production company tucked between the cornfields in Lancaster […]