Wedding Story Archives

A unique, personalized, thoughtful wedding gift for couples who are engaged or just married. This newspaper-style gift is great for any couple tying the knot, as it is a special way to showcase their love and tell their story.
February 15, 2021

‘Warm & Caring’: Carol Lankford is a loving mother and wife who has shown her husband, James, the definition of true love

James Lankford had never known time could fly so quickly. Before he and his wife, Carol, had any thoughts of getting married or, really, even being […]
February 14, 2021

‘MAGNETIC’: Brett Kushner and Hannah McNamara celebrate 3 years together and a future they can’t wait to get started

Early Valentine’s Day morning three years ago, Brett Kushner snuck into the school where he and Hannah McNamara both worked and stealthily put his plan into […]
January 13, 2021

‘The Best Woman’: Debi Webb is the portrait of strength and love, and Andrew Thompson can’t wait to marry her

Andrew Thompson has tried on a number of occasions to show his fiancée, Debi, just how much she means to him.  He replaced her deck once […]
January 7, 2021

‘Best Friend’: Joshua Terc can’t wait to marry Dallis Vargas, the woman of his dreams and the strongest person he knows

For 363 days each year, Joshua Terc and Dallis Vargas love each other more than anything in the world.  They are partners and friends who enjoy […]
December 26, 2020

‘Family First’: Bob and Jody Hamilton celebrate 40 years of loving each other and guiding a family that adores them

Bob and Jody Hamilton are living a 40-year fairytale, and the next chapter of their love story promises to be their best yet. Their marriage has […]
December 5, 2020

Love & Support: Cynthia walked into Sean’s life 11 years ago and changed everything with her love, compassion and unwavering support

Sean Carney once saw himself as a rock and roll “legend” who ran into hard times and believed he might have been on the road toward […]
October 12, 2020

From A to Z: MyFrontPageStory introduces printing and framing services

The front-page experience through has never been more complete than it is right now. We are proud to offer new printing, framing and shipping services […]
October 8, 2020

‘Best Friends’: Larry and Georgi Wright are high school sweethearts who celebrate 57 years of love and friendship

For 57 wonderful years, Larry and Georgi Wright have served as an example of what true love and real, down-to-earth happiness looks like. They are under […]
October 1, 2020

‘A Good Heart’: Melynda Badon is the loving mother, doting MiMi and honest advisor to a family that loves her

Melynda Badon has never been one to hold anything back, and her family and friends love her for it. She lives her life honestly. She loves […]