Today is International Volunteer Day, a day that is not just to encourage people to get out and volunteer their time, money and efforts, but it is a day to show our appreciation for all the volunteers out there.
Volunteerism is all about “donating” your time while asking for nothing in return. Whether you are helping out an elderly neighbor or are working at a local food bank or youth center, any form of volunteerism is vital to helping people out.
If you have a heart for others, then you should consider volunteering in some capacity to help out some sort of person or organization.
That said, if you currently are a volunteer somewhere, we want to take this time to say thank you. Your time and effort is truly making a difference and it does not go unnoticed. People like you are what helps make this world go round, and you are appreciated.
Volunteers come in all shapes and sizes and help out in all sorts of capacities, and volunteering truly makes you feel better about yourself. So, make sure you thank anyone who you know that takes the time to volunteer and if you are not already doing so, consider volunteering yourself.
Happy International Volunteer Day!
Dear readers,
Long time ago, before the advent of cell phones and the Internet, writing letters became the only way to communicate with one another who were separated by long distance.
In today’s modern society with the development of technology, we always use our cell phones and other electronic devices to get in touch with others. Oftentimes we also just contact the same group of friends over and over again even if we have hundreds of contacts.
Do you remember the last time when you sat down and hand wrote a letter to someone? If you say yes, congrats, you made it! If you shake your head, that is okay.
Today, December 7, is the National Letter Writing Day, providing us an excuse to get back to the basics and break the ice with those people.
Buy some nice paper, find a quiet place, then write something to make a special connection with someone.
All the best,
My FrontPage Story
Big shoutout to those workers who perform with their hands and other physical labor to fight for a better living.
December 8 is the National Blue Collar Day in recognition of the American working class as well as their contributions to our society. This holiday was introduced by Todd Sohn in 2019.
At the beginning, the term blue collar was used as a symbol to distinguish those who wore blue and white uniforms. In 1924, it represented trade jobs when people started wearing uniforms at the workplace.
Although many blue-collar workers do not have an academic degree, their hard work should never be ignored. Without them, our country would fall apart.
Take some time today to visit a local factory and see how those manual laborers operate different tasks to provide us with everything we need. Be sure to express your appreciation to them as well.
December 9 is the annual holiday for people to create Christmas cards for friends and families, expressing their unconditional love and warm sentiments.
In 1843, in order to call for more people to use the newest British mailing system, a member of the British civil service called Sir Henry Cole and his artist friend John Horsley came up with an idea of making Christmas cards.
In the 1840s, Christmas cards began to appear in the United States. However, due to the high costs of printing a card, it did not start mass-producing until 1875, when a German printer Louis Pang made it affordable.
Today, making Christmas cards has turned into a tradition for many families. It is a tangible touch for us to think of others and stay connected to distant relatives.
Do you feel tired of working all day long in an office? Use today to choose your favorite card, then write, draw or add whatever decoration you like to show that you really care for others.
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