There is a whole lot to be said about the man Don Littlewood is. The thing is, there are nothing but positive things to be said about the man Don Littlewood is. He is a dedicated individual who has spent his entire life serving others, and his family wanted to take a moment to recognize how awesome he is and how appreciative they are.
“He’s the one that’s always serving others,” Don’s son Cody said. “He’ll drop everything he is doing to help everybody else. He fixes everything. He’ll be at my house fixing something and get called to another person to help out. He always coached my brothers and I; he always took time out to do so. I don’t know how he did it.”
Even at 80 years young, Don is showing everyone how it is done. He is still the same devoted, selfless man he has always been, and he is still putting people first in every situation.
In turn, Don is seen as an irreplaceable soul. There are a lot of people who look at their relationship with Don and realize how good they’ve got it. Not only is he there at their beck and call, Don is the person you want to spend time with – especially when you are his grandkid.
“He’s number one for everyone,” Don’s family said. “They’ll run past my mom to go to him. He’ll drop everything for them. He has all the time in the world for them. He taught them how to fish; how to drive. He’ll figure it out and make time.”
Nothing is more of a priority to Don – outside of his faith – than his family. They will always have the key to his heart, and he will always make time for his loved ones.
Don always makes time for his friends as well, and he even gets together with a big group of friends once a month. They make sure they keep each other in mind and spend time together on a consistent basis.
Heck, Don is someone who is selfless toward total strangers as well. He spent years as a firefighter, helping many people he may have not crossed paths with since then.
“What makes me proud of him is his service to our country, our family and our church,” Don’s family said.
Don is a man of integrity and a man of service. He has spent 80 years giving himself unto others, and he does not plan on slowing down anytime soon.
“He treats those people [at church] like family too,” Cody said. “If there’s a flood or anything, he’ll be there with pumps. If someone is moving, he’ll be there to help. If there’s some sort of fundraiser, he’ll be the first to donate money or time.”
Don truly lives the life he believes he was set on this earth to do, and he is very Christlike in his ways. It might seem reiterated that he is completely and utterly selfless, but that is because he is, and he does nothing but give until there is nothing left to give.
“I want to remind Dad how many people he has helped along the way and how many things he continues to get calls for help on,” Don’s family said.
Don is not just loved because of how much he is always there for others either. He is loved because he has the best personality and he is just such a genuine individual. He is not one to beat around the bush, and he is not one to give up on people either.
“I remember times when he would take us fishing and we would have too many people for the tents so he would sleep in the cab of the truck to make others feel comfortable,” Don’s family said. “He would build snowmen with us in the winter. I remember him coming to an event of ours at school smelling like a firehouse. We were super important to him.”
Don was a firefighter and he built his own business, but that did not stop him from his family first mantra. He was (and always will be) a husband and father first and foremost, and now he can include grandfather and great-grandfather into that mix.
He is also a funny guy. There are countless stories Cody, Dave and Mike could tell about their Pops that will bring back memories and show just how awesome of a guy he is.
“He has a really dry sense of humor that’s funny,” they said. “He puts a Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup wrapper in his teeth when no one’s looking to make it look like he has no teeth. He doesn’t like to be the center of attention but likes to make people laugh. He tells some dirty jokes to the grandkids.”
That’s who Don has always been: a man who makes other people’s days without making a big deal of it. He just wants people to be happy while sitting in the background in life. Just don’t give him a metal baseball bat or brake pads from a foreign car company and you’ll get along just fine with the man.
“Thank you for being such a great example to so many people. Thanks for being a great husband, father, brother, son and grandfather.” – Don’s loving family