Tanya Gibbs and her eldest son Tyrod Gibbs grew up and learned the ways of life together. Tanya raised five children by herself and is now raising her grandson, who she adopted.
From the moment Tanya was born as the eldest daughter, she was known to be the most reliable person who always cared for her family more than anyone. As a little girl, she helped her mother raise her six siblings.
“My mother showed me how to be responsible and respectful,” said Tyrod. “She deserves all of the credit for the successful accomplishments that me and my siblings have made.”
Tanya ensures that no family member is left without a home or somebody to care for them. After raising five kids – Tyrod, Gerard, Tyrece, Marquis and Tanya – by herself, she is now raising her grandson Gerell, who she has been the sole care provider for since he was 2 days old.
“I tell her all the time that because of the good job she did raising the five of us, the universe decided to give her a bonus child,” said Tyrod.
Tanya is known to always put others before herself, even in the midst of life’s struggles. She is always making sure her children and family are cared for and happy before anything else in the world.
“When I was young and it was just my younger brother Gerard, my mother and I, she would take the two of us to the Mattapan House of Pizza at least once a month,” said Tyrod. “It was memorable because, even though we knew she was busy, she still made sure we had fun.”
Aside from the dedication and work Tanya puts into caring for her family, she also drove for the MBTA for years until her back would no longer allow her. Although her ailment left her unable to drive for the MBTA, she went on to cosmetology school and is still dedicated to giving it her all and is still working in the industry today.
When Tanya has the time, she likes to attend church; post pictures for her online store, My Sisters Boutique; and surf the web.
As a person, it is admirable of Tanya’s unwavering ability to find goodness in every situation, despite the hardships. No matter what life throws at her, she always manages to see the good in people.
“The fact that she always puts everyone before herself makes her an extraordinary mother,” said Tyrece. “The fact that she is now raising my nephew by herself makes her a superhero to me.”
Tyrod said that the wisdom and guidance his mother gives him on a daily basis is priceless!
Lil Tanya also mentioned that when her mommy just listens to her and gives her life advice about the decisions she makes, it means more to her than she will ever know.
“I can’t say what specifically my mom has taught me; it’s more like what hasn’t she taught me,” Marquis said. “She’s literally taught me every morally conscious and respectful thing that I know in life.”
It is so apparent that Tyrod, Gerard, Tyrece, Marquis and Tanya understand the amazing mother they have!
“I want my mother to know that she raised all of us better than a lot of two-parent households and that everything that is good in each and every one of us is the direct result of the way we were raised at home, so I just want to thank you for being the Best Mother in the World.”
Love Always,
Tyrod, Gerard, Tyrece, Marquis and Lil Tanya