Everyone loves Judy Miller. At least, after speaking with any number of her family and friends, that is the vibe you get.
Judy – who has lived in multiple states and countries – is the kind of individual you want to associate with. She is dedicated to her family and friends, and she is someone who is not ever going to give up on you.
Judy is also a very uplifting individual. When you contemplate whether to look at the glass as half full or half empty, just think of Judy Miller and you will see the glass half full every single time.
“She’s always looking for the positive side to everything and she never fails to say ‘Yahoo!’ when you are telling her something good that happened during your day,” Astrid said.
If you need a burst of joy in your life, just look to Judy. She will be your sense of encouragement and the light in the darkness.
Judy is also the kind of individual who centers her entire life around her family. Family means more than the world to her, and the same can be said about how her family views her. Judy has the most compassionate heart and she is the most family-oriented person you may ever meet.
“She loves to have the whole family at her house during the holidays and she is always making sure that everybody is well-fed,” Astrid said. “She has a big heart and loves all types of animals – she owns horses, cats and dogs – especially her current one: Scoobie.”
She recently lost Maggie who Judy held near and dear to her heart. But, as you can guess, every animal and person is held near and dear to Judy’s heart. She cares so much about all living beings, and that is something that is appreciated about her.
What is also appreciated about Judy is the fact that she hardly ever puts herself first. Sure, you may see her quilting or sewing in her free time, but chances are that sweater or blanket is not for her. It is probably going to go to a loved one or even a total stranger, and that is because even when she is hobbying, Judy has others’ best interests in mind.
“She is always trying to help out even if she is not asked to,” her son John said. “She shows unconditional love. She shows unconditional support. She’s always cheering up others.”
If it was not abundantly clear already, Judy is a completely devoted person who is selfless in her ways. She loves lifting up the spirits of others, and she just has a knack for always being there no matter what.
She was like this especially while her kids were growing up, as Judy loves her children with all her heart. They are her lifeblood and they have been two of the biggest reasons she gets up in the morning for a long, long time.
“She has and continues to sacrifice a lot for her kids,” Astrid said.
And now she gets to do the same for her grandkids. Judy has four grandchildren, and all four of them look up to her for a number of reasons. She cares for them deeply and is truly a great role model for them.
The other thing about Judy is, she has made no shortage of many memories. Summers at Grandma and Grandpa’s house were always completely unmatched, and everyone always looked forward to them.
There was another special moment that we would be remiss to not speak about, and that has to do with one of Judy’s beloved animals.
“She used to have a dog called Chinook who she took to obedience classes for months and he was number one in his class until exam day when he wasn’t able to follow not even one command given by Judy,” John said.
Sometimes even the goodest of boys refuse to respect authority at times, and that just means you are doing something right. Or, in Judy’s case, you are doing about a million things right.
Judy is such a fantastic individual with so much to offer, and her character and her charisma are unmatched. She is not only the life of the party, but the lifeboat of her family, and for that they are eternally grateful.
“I appreciate your love and support through the years. I couldn’t have asked for a better mom.” – John